In this lotto code I would like the 'These could be winners' to print out below the random numbers after they are generated, what command would I use...or can it even be done?
<table border='0' width=250 height=50>
<tr valign='middle'>
<td align='center'>
<form name=form>
<input type=button value='Lottery Number Picker' onClick="lotto(),setTimeout('clearTimeout(T)',2000)">
<span id=layer1 class=a1><font color="black">Your Quick Pick</span><br>
These could be winners!
<table border='0' width=250 height=50>
<tr valign='middle'>
<td align='center'>
<form name=form>
<input type=button value='Lottery Number Picker' onClick="lotto(),setTimeout('clearTimeout(T)',2000)">
<span id=layer1 class=a1><font color="black">Your Quick Pick</span><br>
These could be winners!