I am looking for information on ISDN 8510T phone model numbers.
I know that there were at least a few types of markings for this model, e.g.
AT&T Part No. 106604432 8510TAD03A-264
Lucent Part No. 107994907 8510TND05A(RS)N-003
Lucent Part No. 107783615 8510TAD03A(RS)-264
Lucent Part No. 107894354 8510TAD03A(RS)-003
as far as I know that 264 and 003 are color codes, RS is an extra port and I suppose 03A and 05A are firmware versions, so I don't know what is the difference between the TND and TAD versions. And what does the suffix N after (RS) mean in the 8510TND05A(RS)N-003 model.
Can any of you help me?
I am looking for information on ISDN 8510T phone model numbers.
I know that there were at least a few types of markings for this model, e.g.
AT&T Part No. 106604432 8510TAD03A-264
Lucent Part No. 107994907 8510TND05A(RS)N-003
Lucent Part No. 107783615 8510TAD03A(RS)-264
Lucent Part No. 107894354 8510TAD03A(RS)-003
as far as I know that 264 and 003 are color codes, RS is an extra port and I suppose 03A and 05A are firmware versions, so I don't know what is the difference between the TND and TAD versions. And what does the suffix N after (RS) mean in the 8510TND05A(RS)N-003 model.
Can any of you help me?