I'm working on a project that currently transfers data from a spreadsheet to a table. Then I run a couple queries to adjust the data and run an append query to take that adjusted data and put it into a table. The problem I'm having is one of the columns in the spreadsheet has blank fields I need to change to zero. I changed the default value for that column to zero on the table but it still isn't adjusting the blank value to zero. What is going on here?
I'm working on a project that currently transfers data from a spreadsheet to a table. Then I run a couple queries to adjust the data and run an append query to take that adjusted data and put it into a table. The problem I'm having is one of the columns in the spreadsheet has blank fields I need to change to zero. I changed the default value for that column to zero on the table but it still isn't adjusting the blank value to zero. What is going on here?