I'm using CR 8.5 against an Oracle db. I have a parameter as a date that looks at a date field which may be null (literally). I've read other threads about using the "Convert Null field value to default" and suggestions of setting the default to some far out date. This is what I want to do but cannot figure out how to 'set the default'. My understanding is, if this is checked and it's a date field that is null, CR will treat this as Date(0,0,0). Where do I set this as Date(2049,1,1)? If I need a formula, is it specific to the date field I'm testing - so I'd need a formula for each date field or is there one place I can set this?
I tried putting and IF..then in the Record Selection for the specific field I'm interested in and then using the parameter but this didn't work so I'm assuming that was a bad guess.
I tried putting and IF..then in the Record Selection for the specific field I'm interested in and then using the parameter but this didn't work so I'm assuming that was a bad guess.