The System Default Number Format (File - Options - Fields - Number - Number) is with Thousands Separator.
I don't want to change that. (This is different on different computers, too...)
I have a field in SQL Server that stores dates in this format: yyyymmdd.
Because of this System Default Number Format this date is presented this way: yy yym mdd.
Of course, it is simle to format this to yyyymmdd in the field used in the report.
But this is not simple if I want to split this "date" field (yyyymmdd) into 3 different fields (yyyy, mm and dd) using a formula. The formula uses the System Default Number Format.
If i use the Strings Functions, this might work on my computer:
ToText (Left (ToText ({Table.Field}), 2), (Mid (ToText ({Table.Field}), 3, 2)))
This formula excludes the Thousand Separator between the first two y's and the next two.
But when I run this on a computer with other System Default Number Format (for example with no Thousand Separator) nothing works.
How do I split yyyymmdd into yyyy, mm and dd in a simple way, without changing the System Default Number Format, and in a way that works on "all" computers?
I don't want to change that. (This is different on different computers, too...)
I have a field in SQL Server that stores dates in this format: yyyymmdd.
Because of this System Default Number Format this date is presented this way: yy yym mdd.
Of course, it is simle to format this to yyyymmdd in the field used in the report.
But this is not simple if I want to split this "date" field (yyyymmdd) into 3 different fields (yyyy, mm and dd) using a formula. The formula uses the System Default Number Format.
If i use the Strings Functions, this might work on my computer:
ToText (Left (ToText ({Table.Field}), 2), (Mid (ToText ({Table.Field}), 3, 2)))
This formula excludes the Thousand Separator between the first two y's and the next two.
But when I run this on a computer with other System Default Number Format (for example with no Thousand Separator) nothing works.
How do I split yyyymmdd into yyyy, mm and dd in a simple way, without changing the System Default Number Format, and in a way that works on "all" computers?