I have a piece of software which has a "Stage" that I can use and give it input parameters and output parameters.
Checking the powershell software on my system:
Get-Date returns UTC format date
i.e. 24/02/2011
Get-Date from the "Stage" in the software does not
i.e. 02/24/2011
This may be something "wrong" with the software I am using but if anyone can think of a change I could make to the powershell environment which this "stage" might be using.
Perhaps the "stage" is using a different culture setting? Run the following in both a normal PowerShell prompt and the "stage":
dir Variable:PSCulture
If the value for PSCulture is different between the two, then that's the issue. I believe you can change the culture to a different setting, but who knows what that might do to the software providing the "stage". If the value for PSCulture is the same between the environments then I'm not sure where to point you.
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