I'm using Oracle 9.2.0
I want to find out how many minutes a times stamp is older then sysdate.
This is the select that I use to find my timestamp.
select min(to_char(sys_creation_date,'YYYYMMDD HH24MI')) from ac_processing_accounting
where file_status='RD'
and (fpfc_nxt_pgm_name='LONG_DURATION01'
or fpfc_nxt_pgm_name='LONG_DURATION02'
or fpfc_nxt_pgm_name='LONG_DURATION03'
or fpfc_nxt_pgm_name='LONG_DURATION04');
This is how I would normaly find time diffrence
select trunc(((sysdate) - to_date('20041206 1300 ','YYYYMMDD HH24MI'))*1440) from dual;
I can't seem to combine thise 2 in a way that gives me the result I want.
I'm using Oracle 9.2.0
I want to find out how many minutes a times stamp is older then sysdate.
This is the select that I use to find my timestamp.
select min(to_char(sys_creation_date,'YYYYMMDD HH24MI')) from ac_processing_accounting
where file_status='RD'
and (fpfc_nxt_pgm_name='LONG_DURATION01'
or fpfc_nxt_pgm_name='LONG_DURATION02'
or fpfc_nxt_pgm_name='LONG_DURATION03'
or fpfc_nxt_pgm_name='LONG_DURATION04');
This is how I would normaly find time diffrence
select trunc(((sysdate) - to_date('20041206 1300 ','YYYYMMDD HH24MI'))*1440) from dual;
I can't seem to combine thise 2 in a way that gives me the result I want.