Actually this is my first time posting a message here. So if I do make any mistakes please bear with me.
Here is just few lines of codes first:
while {$rowIteration < [llength $addressList]} {
set m [lindex $addressList $rowIteration]
global cbox$m
set tempVar $cbox$m ///HERE IS THE PROBLEM
incr rowIteration
The way I have defined $cbox$m is wrong.
I want to loop and access the information stored in check boxes named cbox0, cbox1, cbox2, ... where 0 1 2.. are represented by m. I am basically appending m to end of cbox and trying to get that variable's value in tempVar.
Please help me out this really important.
Actually this is my first time posting a message here. So if I do make any mistakes please bear with me.
Here is just few lines of codes first:
while {$rowIteration < [llength $addressList]} {
set m [lindex $addressList $rowIteration]
global cbox$m
set tempVar $cbox$m ///HERE IS THE PROBLEM
incr rowIteration
The way I have defined $cbox$m is wrong.
I want to loop and access the information stored in check boxes named cbox0, cbox1, cbox2, ... where 0 1 2.. are represented by m. I am basically appending m to end of cbox and trying to get that variable's value in tempVar.
Please help me out this really important.