Using ASP.NET with VB.NET I am currently creating a Multi-Tier Web Application Module; however, when I am working between the Business Logic Layer (BLL) and the SQL Data Layer (SDL) I encounter a [tt]Declaration Expected[/tt] error.
I coded a [tt]Set Property[/tt] for the [tt]ConnectionString[/tt] variable in both the BLL and the SDL. The front-end designer will [tt]Set[/tt] the BLL [tt]ConnectionString[/tt] variable which will in turn [tt]Set[/tt] the SDL [tt]ConnectionString[/tt] variable which elimantes the need for the designer to directly communicate with the SDL.
I have an Imports of the SDL in the BLL; however, when I attempt to [tt]Set[/tt] the [tt]ConnectionString[/tt] variable I always get '[tt]Declaration Expected[/tt]'. This is a paste of the code I used.
---- BLL ----
[tt]Dim sdl As New SQLDataLayer()
sdl.ConnectionString = "Text"[/tt]
---- SDL ----
[tt]Private _ConnectionString As SqlConnection
Public Property ConnectionString() As SqlConnection
Set(ByVal Value As SqlConnection)
_ConnectionString = Value
End Set
End Property[/tt]
---- end ----
I see no reason why this should not work. Any ideas.
Wayne Sellars
"Programming, today is a race between software developers, striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe, trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, Universe 1 - Programmers 0."
I coded a [tt]Set Property[/tt] for the [tt]ConnectionString[/tt] variable in both the BLL and the SDL. The front-end designer will [tt]Set[/tt] the BLL [tt]ConnectionString[/tt] variable which will in turn [tt]Set[/tt] the SDL [tt]ConnectionString[/tt] variable which elimantes the need for the designer to directly communicate with the SDL.
I have an Imports of the SDL in the BLL; however, when I attempt to [tt]Set[/tt] the [tt]ConnectionString[/tt] variable I always get '[tt]Declaration Expected[/tt]'. This is a paste of the code I used.
---- BLL ----
[tt]Dim sdl As New SQLDataLayer()
sdl.ConnectionString = "Text"[/tt]
---- SDL ----
[tt]Private _ConnectionString As SqlConnection
Public Property ConnectionString() As SqlConnection
Set(ByVal Value As SqlConnection)
_ConnectionString = Value
End Set
End Property[/tt]
---- end ----
I see no reason why this should not work. Any ideas.
Wayne Sellars
"Programming, today is a race between software developers, striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe, trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, Universe 1 - Programmers 0."