I have a DS Job Streamthat runs several "steps". It runs something called "Start_C" which runs OK, then the next piece is called "Sales_Order_Deal_C" which runs OK and is the Precessor to the next piece "Sales_Order_Deal_SJ".
I have triple-checked that the "Exclude this node from executing" option is NOT checked and that the Predecssors and Successors are all correct.
I run this job successfully through the end of "Sales_Order_Deal_C". The log file shows the following:
Condition Node 79 Sales_Order_Deal_C; suceeded.
Condition Node 79 Sales_Order_Deal_C; Outcome True.
Job Node 81 "Sale_Order_Deal_SJ"; Idle --> Suspended
JobStream Succeeded
What does this mean and how do I make it so it is NOT suspended other than that Exlude property ???
Thanks for any help !
I have a DS Job Streamthat runs several "steps". It runs something called "Start_C" which runs OK, then the next piece is called "Sales_Order_Deal_C" which runs OK and is the Precessor to the next piece "Sales_Order_Deal_SJ".
I have triple-checked that the "Exclude this node from executing" option is NOT checked and that the Predecssors and Successors are all correct.
I run this job successfully through the end of "Sales_Order_Deal_C". The log file shows the following:
Condition Node 79 Sales_Order_Deal_C; suceeded.
Condition Node 79 Sales_Order_Deal_C; Outcome True.
Job Node 81 "Sale_Order_Deal_SJ"; Idle --> Suspended
JobStream Succeeded
What does this mean and how do I make it so it is NOT suspended other than that Exlude property ???
Thanks for any help !