so does Decimal(9,2)
[Up to 7 digits].[Up to 2 digits]
With the negative and period being optional?
Or does it mean that the number of chars in the entire thing can't be more than 9, with at most 2 to the right of the decimal so:
-[5 digits].[2 digits]
and [6 digits].[2 digits]
and [7 digits].[1 digit]
all = to 9 max?
[Up to 7 digits].[Up to 2 digits]
With the negative and period being optional?
Or does it mean that the number of chars in the entire thing can't be more than 9, with at most 2 to the right of the decimal so:
-[5 digits].[2 digits]
and [6 digits].[2 digits]
and [7 digits].[1 digit]
all = to 9 max?