Technical User
I´m preparing a document comparing some ETL tools just to help out my client to decide which is the best option for his DW.
The DW environment will be built at a NCR Teradata database.
The client has some options recommended:
a) Ardent/Ascential Data Stage
b) Powermart Informatica
c) AB Initial
d) ETI (IBM)
Note:After some conversations the client is about to choose between Informatica and Data Stage.
I worked with these two tools in a Oracle env.But that´s a Teradata env.
I would like to know some technical features, i.e. disregarding comercial issues (like prices and son on).
The main points (I judged)for this comparison:
1 - Do all these 4 tools work with Teradata ?
2 - What about the performance of these tools in a Teradata env for a huge amount of data to be extracted, transformed, and loaded ?
Note: 2.1) Does Data Stage and/or Informatica work together with Teradata´s FastLoad, MultiLoad and TPump ?
If yes, can somebody tell me exactly how they work together ?
Note: Talking about performance:
2.1.1) In a ETL process is the performance issue treated exclusively by Teradata Application Utilities (FastLoad, MultiLoad and TPump) or these App. Utilities treat that together with the ETL tool (performing some kind of tunning)?
2.2) What kind of executables are generated by the mappings and/or Jobs (Informatica and Data Stage, respectively) (what language are they generated)?
Are those executables optmized for Teradata ?
3 - What about the complexity of the implementation and use (considering the 4 tools mentioned above)?
4 - In what kind of OS env do these 4 tools work?(For an exmpl.: UNIX, Mainframe (any envs.), Windows 2000 (client-server)).
5 - Do they work together with ERP tools (Like SAP)?
That´s pretty much for now.
Thanks in advance.
P.S.: Considering that I´m working on a comparative document about those tools, is there any other main point that I´m missing ?
If yes, could you suggest some others ?
I´m preparing a document comparing some ETL tools just to help out my client to decide which is the best option for his DW.
The DW environment will be built at a NCR Teradata database.
The client has some options recommended:
a) Ardent/Ascential Data Stage
b) Powermart Informatica
c) AB Initial
d) ETI (IBM)
Note:After some conversations the client is about to choose between Informatica and Data Stage.
I worked with these two tools in a Oracle env.But that´s a Teradata env.
I would like to know some technical features, i.e. disregarding comercial issues (like prices and son on).
The main points (I judged)for this comparison:
1 - Do all these 4 tools work with Teradata ?
2 - What about the performance of these tools in a Teradata env for a huge amount of data to be extracted, transformed, and loaded ?
Note: 2.1) Does Data Stage and/or Informatica work together with Teradata´s FastLoad, MultiLoad and TPump ?
If yes, can somebody tell me exactly how they work together ?
Note: Talking about performance:
2.1.1) In a ETL process is the performance issue treated exclusively by Teradata Application Utilities (FastLoad, MultiLoad and TPump) or these App. Utilities treat that together with the ETL tool (performing some kind of tunning)?
2.2) What kind of executables are generated by the mappings and/or Jobs (Informatica and Data Stage, respectively) (what language are they generated)?
Are those executables optmized for Teradata ?
3 - What about the complexity of the implementation and use (considering the 4 tools mentioned above)?
4 - In what kind of OS env do these 4 tools work?(For an exmpl.: UNIX, Mainframe (any envs.), Windows 2000 (client-server)).
5 - Do they work together with ERP tools (Like SAP)?
That´s pretty much for now.
Thanks in advance.
P.S.: Considering that I´m working on a comparative document about those tools, is there any other main point that I´m missing ?
If yes, could you suggest some others ?