Hello All
Private Sub cmdCalcPowerDbGainLoss_Click()
Dim PowerGainRatio As Double
PowerGainRatio = Me.tboxOutputPower / Me.tboxInputPower
Me.tboxDbGainLoss = Log(PowerGainRatio) * 0.43429
Me.tboxDbGainLoss = Me.tboxDbGainLoss * 10
Me.tboxVoltageDbGainLoss = Log(PowerGainRatio) * 0.43429
Me.tboxVoltageDbGainLoss = Me.tboxVoltageDbGainLoss * 10 * 2
End Sub
It takes a given input power/voltage and and an output power/voltage and calculates
decibel gain/loss (accurately I think)
I would also like to enter an input voltage and a Decibel gain/loss and calculate the output voltage
but I can't figure out the equation to do it, math skills not so great
I have this code
Private Sub cmdCalcPowerDbGainLoss_Click()
Dim PowerGainRatio As Double
PowerGainRatio = Me.tboxOutputPower / Me.tboxInputPower
Me.tboxDbGainLoss = Log(PowerGainRatio) * 0.43429
Me.tboxDbGainLoss = Me.tboxDbGainLoss * 10
Me.tboxVoltageDbGainLoss = Log(PowerGainRatio) * 0.43429
Me.tboxVoltageDbGainLoss = Me.tboxVoltageDbGainLoss * 10 * 2
End Sub
It takes a given input power/voltage and and an output power/voltage and calculates
decibel gain/loss (accurately I think)
I would also like to enter an input voltage and a Decibel gain/loss and calculate the output voltage
but I can't figure out the equation to do it, math skills not so great