I have a windows XP and have few accounts. I loaded VB .net using admin account but can not use it on any other accounts. How can I add other accounts to Debugger User group so I can use VB .net with other accounts.
Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> User Accounts.
Select the user, right click, properties.
Under "Group Membership" there should be a radio button labeled "Other" with a combo box next to it. Select that radio button and in the combo box select "Debugger Users"
I have Windows XP home edition and can not find User Debugger group. Where can I find it?
It's not here
"From the Start menu, choose Settings and click Control Panel.
In Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools.
Double-click Computer Management.
In the Computer Management dialog box, expand the Systems Tools folder.
Under the Local Users and Groups node, open the Groups folder.
I think I might have a machine running XP home at home, I can see if I can find anything later tonight. But XP home is cripple ware. The functionality is there, but the GUI may not give you an easy way to do it. There is a way to manage accounts using the command line, but I am not familiar with it. The guys in the XP or Win 2k forums might be able to help ya there. I have seen a number of applications designed to help manage user account on XP, you could use one of those 3rd party pieces of software as they will likely have full functionality.
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