I'm getting annoyed with Redhat...
I have an older machine P2 500, with a measely 64megs of RAM.
It ran RH 7.0 fine, I upgraded to 8.0 and it's a piece of junk, I can't run anything in Gnome without wanting to toss the machine out the window. I realize I'm just underspeced like mad on RAM, and will upgrade it eventually... but in the meantime, the box is just a toy so I want to get some experience with some other flavors of linux before it ends up with whatever version I will actually keep on there.
My next target is Debian, and I'm thinking I should go ahead and do the net install, but there is no net install for the stable release, is the test release good enough that I should go with that? Should I just use an unofficial net install (in which case do you have a recommendation?)? Or should I download the CD's and go from there?
Any info appreciated,
I have an older machine P2 500, with a measely 64megs of RAM.
It ran RH 7.0 fine, I upgraded to 8.0 and it's a piece of junk, I can't run anything in Gnome without wanting to toss the machine out the window. I realize I'm just underspeced like mad on RAM, and will upgrade it eventually... but in the meantime, the box is just a toy so I want to get some experience with some other flavors of linux before it ends up with whatever version I will actually keep on there.
My next target is Debian, and I'm thinking I should go ahead and do the net install, but there is no net install for the stable release, is the test release good enough that I should go with that? Should I just use an unofficial net install (in which case do you have a recommendation?)? Or should I download the CD's and go from there?
Any info appreciated,