Have the following fields
ID_Num - text field with set format - Letter,letter,number,number,letter,number,number,number
ex: EE01A001
ColorCode - number field with set format -
ex: 012
StyleCode - number field with set format -
Ex: 01
Would like to combine the information to concatenate this to a single 13 character identifier (ProductID&ColorCode&StyleCode)
However, ColorCode and StyleCode while formatted as 000 and 00 respectively, will not properly join.
EE01A001 + 012 + 01 should equal EE01A00101201
Instead, its coming out as EE01A001121.
Additionally, if there is no color or style choice to be made, I have been able to get a zero displayed with
CompProdNum: [Products].[ID_Num] & (IIf([Product_ColorChoices].
ID_Num - text field with set format - Letter,letter,number,number,letter,number,number,number
ex: EE01A001
ColorCode - number field with set format -
ex: 012
StyleCode - number field with set format -
Ex: 01
Would like to combine the information to concatenate this to a single 13 character identifier (ProductID&ColorCode&StyleCode)
However, ColorCode and StyleCode while formatted as 000 and 00 respectively, will not properly join.
EE01A001 + 012 + 01 should equal EE01A00101201
Instead, its coming out as EE01A001121.
Additionally, if there is no color or style choice to be made, I have been able to get a zero displayed with
CompProdNum: [Products].[ID_Num] & (IIf([Product_ColorChoices].
,[Product_ColorChoices].[Code],0)) & (IIf([Style.StyleNum],[Style.StyleNum],0))
but have not been able to get either the 00 or the 000 to display. (the 00 and 000 automatically change to just 0's)
Any suggestions?
Let them hate - so long as they fear... Lucius Accius