I'm very new to Assembly. So please help me a little bit in detail.
I'd like to write a function to count the number of vowel in a string. What I've done so far is just working with numbers and registers. Now I don't know how to work w/ string or char and register. And I don't know how to parse the string into single characters.
Right now I'm not thinking about taking users' input yet. Maybe just hardcode the string in. So can you also tell me how to take the user input as a string.
I'd really appreciate your help!
I'd like to write a function to count the number of vowel in a string. What I've done so far is just working with numbers and registers. Now I don't know how to work w/ string or char and register. And I don't know how to parse the string into single characters.
Right now I'm not thinking about taking users' input yet. Maybe just hardcode the string in. So can you also tell me how to take the user input as a string.
I'd really appreciate your help!