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Dead BE8.6?

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Jun 24, 2002

Bit of a problem...(have to say i can't remember a time when i didn't have a problem with BE.whichever version it is)

For some reason my server just started failing backups......i checked various things like the tapes..the append time as infinite (some said none but i could not change them)

It works occasionally, like once every 20 times.

The problem is, doesn't matter what I do, whether it is Quick Erasing, Labelling Media or anything, it always fails to deliver......

I am starting to think that it is the Tape Drive itself....but yesterday i rebooted and managed to quick erase and label two tapes, before the third one failed and i havent been able to do anything with any since.

I loaded one of the two working tapes into the drive for backup overnight yesterday, however it failed.

Any ideas at all.

Running BE8.6

Any help appreciated


I rebooted and loaded a tape and tried to label it. I received a 'severe tape error'

The jobfile said basically "Do not use this tape again"

every time after a specific length of use, all tapes come back with this..for some reason I have simply ignored it. surely I should be able to use tapes indefinitely.

What am I doing wrong, and do I need to buy some new tapes.


Are these new tapes?
I have found that not all tapes are created equal. I have HP tape drives that use Ultrium LTO tapes. I bought new tapes for it and they didn't work. The first thing the vendor asked me (when I told them the tapes aren't working) was "what brand of tape drive are you using?". Then they told me I needed a different tape, one for the HP. I got the new tapes and they work fine.

If they are old tapes,
1. Buy a new tape and test to see if it causes the same problem.
2. If the same problem occurs, upgrade your firmware and drivers.
3. If the problem still occurs, buying a new tape drive might be the only answer.

OH, have you rebooted both the tape device and the backup server?


No these are old tapes (old as in not new ;o)

I have ordered some more, and will try them


Did you plan on letting us know what the error message in the failed job was?
BTW- in answer to your "surely I should be able to use tapes indefinitely" comment; the answer is NO. The length of time that tapes can be used depends on several factors, mainly:
how often do you clean your drives?
how often do you write to each tape?

Dirt builds up on the tape drive heads and this 'tears' at the tape, slowly wearing it out (sometimes it happens quickly). Also, even if the tape drive heads are kept clean, there's still the friction of the tape heads against the tape. The more you use a tape the more wear and tear it gets from that friction.


Our backup for each individual tape is weekly so i suppose this is quite frequent.

Thanks for the info.


There error message was as I posted earlier "Severe tape alerts. see job log for details"

That one (not the exact words I know)


Right finally got some new tapes.....and the problem is still there..goes about 30seconds into any job (backup, inventory, labelling) and then makes a cracking noise just after it speeds up..then another 30 secs or so , and a series of 5-6 cracking noises, followed by the tape partially ejecting itself, and reloading.

I've waited and waited for it to work, but to no avail.

Any ideas?

Cleaned the drive....i suppose only thing left is hardware, however it works occasionally....

See my response in the new thread you started on this issue, thread481-571842.

If you are only doing one backup onto the tapes a week then they should really be lasting over a year...

We make a full backup onto our tapes daily where i work and the tapes mostly last up to and around 4/6months...

One backup a week would mean these last over a year!

If the drive is making cracking noises, that is just it opening the tape up to get to the ribbon it writes the data on...

I'm guessing that it's having a problem opening the tapes up right.

Check your filter your Event Viewer system logs for the following ID's 7, 9, 11 or 15 's which refer to your tape drive and/or scsi device >> if you are getting any of those, you will know the issue is 100 % hardware related. SCSI timeouts can also be sporadic in nature which would perhaps explain why the odd backup goes through

Let me know how you get on
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