I recently purchased a DDI MUX MBM in the hopes that it will work on BCM 400 4.0 that I am building for second location. This MBM does not function in my BCM50 (as far as I Know.... I tried.) that we have and so far seems to behave O.K. in BCM400 4.0. (No red flashing lights like on BCM50) Not fully tested because I am awaiting T1 Connection. My question is will this MBM replace my DTI MBM or not? Also how many DS30 allocations will it use? (I hope to be using the right terminology). I would like the luxury of sharing the T1 line between voice and data but I can't find any info on DDI MUX after BCM 2.5
Any help would be helpful. Thanx in Advance.
Any help would be helpful. Thanx in Advance.