I have a 4000 with 4 serial interfaces acting as a frame-relay switch. I cant get the pvc's to come up. I am using dte-dce back-to-back cables. The side the goes into the 4000 says dte. I configured the 4000 to act as a dce. Does the cable make a difference?
I'm pretty sure the cabling is important. The router does know the difference between a DTE and a DCE cable being plugged into it. (You can see which is plugged in under the 'show controller' command)
Yes it makes a difference. You can get a cisco DCE or DTE cable and you will find that the V.35 ends are different. One is male and one is female. If you move the DTE, the DTE will move with the cable.
Have you specified a clock rate on the DCE?
What cables are you using? I have some 60-way back-to-back cables (as connect to a WIC-1T) for use on a router posing as an FR switch.
Use show controllers to confirm that the port is seeing DCE or DTE cable.
Also configure a frame-relay route between ports/DLCIs
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