You must use the dbSeeChanges option with OpenRecordset when accessing a SQL Server table that has an IDENTITY column. (Error 3622)
This is the error I am getting I am in no way familair with this command. Following is the code that is running when error comes up.
Set db = CurrentDb
SQL = "SELECT * FROM dbo_Members;"
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(SQL)
Do While rs.EOF = False
email = email & rs!email & ";"
If email = "" Then
MsgBox "There are currently no client records listed under this category", vbExclamation, "E-Mail Error"
Exit Sub
End If
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , email, , , , True
Thanks In Advance
This is the error I am getting I am in no way familair with this command. Following is the code that is running when error comes up.
Set db = CurrentDb
SQL = "SELECT * FROM dbo_Members;"
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(SQL)
Do While rs.EOF = False
email = email & rs!email & ";"
If email = "" Then
MsgBox "There are currently no client records listed under this category", vbExclamation, "E-Mail Error"
Exit Sub
End If
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , , , email, , , , True
Thanks In Advance