Dear Expert,
I was installing the database instance for SAP Ides 4.6c and received error at 69%.
(My IDES software was on 2 DVD)
Kernel CD is mapped to CD rom drive,..During installation it ask for kernel cd location and EXport cd so i gave the following information
F:\46CICES\Kernel (which is my cd rom drive)
E:\DBEXPORT (this is my virtual cds location which has all the SAP data)
My OS was in C: drive, SAP and Oracle was in D: drive and DBExport was on E: drive.
(partitions of the same physical drive)
The installation stop at 69%. The Oraclehome81 service cannot start.
Error says it find lable “ORACLE:BASIS+WP+KW:46D SR 1:KERNEL for CD KERNEL in path F:\46CIDES\KERNEL.
But cannot find RDBMS.
“We tried to find the label ORACLE::RDBMS: for CD RDBMS in path .
But the check was not successful”
The same problem was reported by other forum members. One member known as
“Spauser” also reported the same problem. Spauser if you have solved the problem can
you let me know how it was solved.
Thank you.
Error Log:
Loading the Database
INFO 2011-11-20 23:40:52 CDSERVERBASE_NT_ORA GetAllAvailableCDNames:0
We did find the label ORACLE:BASIS+WP+KW:46D SR 1:KERNEL for CD
INFO 2011-11-20 23:40:52 CDSERVERBASE_NT_ORA GetAllAvailableCDNames:0
We tried to find the label ORACLE::RDBMS: for CD RDBMS in path .
But the check was not successfull.
INFO 2011-11-20 23:40:52 CDSERVERBASE_NT_ORA GetAllAvailableCDNames:0
We did find the label
B-Export: for CD EXPORT1 in
ERROR 2011-11-20 23:40:52 DBR3LOADEXEC_NT_ORA InternalInstallationDo:0
SyFilesWithPatternRead (NULL) returned with 0STR FILES FOUND: 0
ERROR 2011-11-20 23:40:52 DBR3LOADEXEC_NT_ORA InstallationDo:0
Phase failed.
ERROR 2011-11-20 23:40:52 InstController Action:0
Step DBR3LOADEXEC_NT_ORA could not be performed.
ERROR 2011-11-20 23:40:52 Main :0
Installation failed.
ERROR 2011-11-20 23:40:52 Main :0
Installation aborted.
I was installing the database instance for SAP Ides 4.6c and received error at 69%.
(My IDES software was on 2 DVD)
Kernel CD is mapped to CD rom drive,..During installation it ask for kernel cd location and EXport cd so i gave the following information
F:\46CICES\Kernel (which is my cd rom drive)
E:\DBEXPORT (this is my virtual cds location which has all the SAP data)
My OS was in C: drive, SAP and Oracle was in D: drive and DBExport was on E: drive.
(partitions of the same physical drive)
The installation stop at 69%. The Oraclehome81 service cannot start.
Error says it find lable “ORACLE:BASIS+WP+KW:46D SR 1:KERNEL for CD KERNEL in path F:\46CIDES\KERNEL.
But cannot find RDBMS.
“We tried to find the label ORACLE::RDBMS: for CD RDBMS in path .
But the check was not successful”
The same problem was reported by other forum members. One member known as
“Spauser” also reported the same problem. Spauser if you have solved the problem can
you let me know how it was solved.
Thank you.
Error Log:
Loading the Database
INFO 2011-11-20 23:40:52 CDSERVERBASE_NT_ORA GetAllAvailableCDNames:0
We did find the label ORACLE:BASIS+WP+KW:46D SR 1:KERNEL for CD
INFO 2011-11-20 23:40:52 CDSERVERBASE_NT_ORA GetAllAvailableCDNames:0
We tried to find the label ORACLE::RDBMS: for CD RDBMS in path .
But the check was not successfull.
INFO 2011-11-20 23:40:52 CDSERVERBASE_NT_ORA GetAllAvailableCDNames:0
We did find the label
ERROR 2011-11-20 23:40:52 DBR3LOADEXEC_NT_ORA InternalInstallationDo:0
SyFilesWithPatternRead (NULL) returned with 0STR FILES FOUND: 0
ERROR 2011-11-20 23:40:52 DBR3LOADEXEC_NT_ORA InstallationDo:0
Phase failed.
ERROR 2011-11-20 23:40:52 InstController Action:0
Step DBR3LOADEXEC_NT_ORA could not be performed.
ERROR 2011-11-20 23:40:52 Main :0
Installation failed.
ERROR 2011-11-20 23:40:52 Main :0
Installation aborted.