I have a crappy program that I am maintaining. The person who did the programming came from an RPG background and had no OO concepts or understanding when he built this program.
Anyways there's this piece of code that is supposed to set the DBLookupCombo box to the state of NM when the field is entered:
now this code worked before i moved the component. All I did was move the component from one location on the form to another and now this doesn't work! The state is no longer pre filled in on the form when the user enters the field. I can step through the code and verify that it's being run, but it doesn't appear to do anything.....
Any suggestions?
Anyways there's this piece of code that is supposed to set the DBLookupCombo box to the state of NM when the field is entered:
with DModule.TbStateCodes do
FieldByName('STATCD').AsString := 'NM';
now this code worked before i moved the component. All I did was move the component from one location on the form to another and now this doesn't work! The state is no longer pre filled in on the form when the user enters the field. I can step through the code and verify that it's being run, but it doesn't appear to do anything.....
Any suggestions?