I have 3 replicas of a database in three countries (A, B, C), each having exactly the same path on each server.
I send an email to to users in countries A, B, C ... providing a DBlink to the replica in A (replica A contains info not in B or C that users need to access upon release of the db). However, some users (those who do not have the db in their workspace yet) are directed to the replica residing in either B or C.
How can I force the DBlink to link them to replica A?
I used the following code in attaching the link to the memo...
Set db = New NotesDatabase(<server A>, <db filepath>)
Set dblink = New NotesRichTextItem(memo, "Body")
Call dblink.AppendDocLink(db,"","")
I send an email to to users in countries A, B, C ... providing a DBlink to the replica in A (replica A contains info not in B or C that users need to access upon release of the db). However, some users (those who do not have the db in their workspace yet) are directed to the replica residing in either B or C.
How can I force the DBlink to link them to replica A?
I used the following code in attaching the link to the memo...
Set db = New NotesDatabase(<server A>, <db filepath>)
Set dblink = New NotesRichTextItem(memo, "Body")
Call dblink.AppendDocLink(db,"","")