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DBI assistance 1

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Feb 23, 2002
(it shouldn't matter, but this is in relation to DBD:CSV)

I'm still very new to Perl, CGI and DBI - so don't assume that I know anything

Using DBI methods, is there a way to retrieve the column NAMES from a table? Further when I use bind_columns, is there a way to assign this with an array e.g.

@FIELD_NAMES=qw(name date city);

### open $dhb handle, etc.

my $sth->bind_columns(undef, @FIELD_NAMES)
or die "Bind column: ". $dbh->errstr();

$sth->excute() or die ..... etc.

can this be done? Better yet, can I SELECT the actual column names, parse them into an array in place of the =qw() above ...

Thanks in advance ...
I don't use the CSV in the DBD module but these should still apply.

You can get the column names of a statement using the statement attribute NAME, NAME_uc or NAME_lc. EX:
my $dbh = (... however you connect...);
my $stmt = qq(select * from table);
my $csrStmt = $dbh->prepare($stmt);
my @cols = @{$csrStmt->{NAME_lc});

@cols will now contain all the fields on "table" in lower case.
The NAME_lc attribute is an array reference containing all the columns in the select statement, in this case all the fields on "table".

I don't know of a way to bind an array using bind_columns.
It requires a list of references, but you can loop through an array and using bind_col. You can use the NAME_lc array from above and bind them into a hash. Ex:

my (%rec, $indx);
foreach my $col (@{$csrStmt->{NAME_lc}}) {
$csrStmt->bind_col(++$indx, \$rec{$col});

This will loop through all the fields in you select statement and bind each result to a hash key of the column name in the hash %rec.
Accessing the values is now just $rec{fld1}, $rec{fld}....
An added benefit is code maintainence. When the SQL changes, so does your cursor without maintaining specific bind variables.

Hope this helps.
to display the column names use the following attribute from the cursor you created to do your select statement:


As for binds I cant really help, sorry
Why, OH, Why does the code below, wrap "" around the data? When I run this, this "03-10-2002,01:20:20" string is inserted ... WHY?


sub insert {
my @values = qw(03-10-2002,02:20:20);

my $sql = ("INSERT INTO $loc_table (DATE,TIME) VALUES (?,?)");

#Prepare SQL
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql)
or die "Cannot prepare:" . $dbh->errsrt();

#execute SQL
$sth->execute(@values) or die "Cannot Execute: " . $sth->errstr();

#finish interaction with DB
my @values = qw(03-10-2002,02:20:20);
should have a space instead of a comma.

qw() does not consider a comma a delimiter.
I've not had much luck with bind values and DBD::CSV - I just prepare and execute the SQL each time...... Mike
"Experience is the comb that Nature gives us after we are bald."

Is that a haiku?
I never could get the hang
of writing those things.
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