I'm using a SQL database, I have in VFP9 the tables as remote views and a (Project Manager>Data>Databases>varu>)Connection called Upsize with a connectionstring (below). It's stored in my Data\Varu.dbc file.
Is there any way to refer to my Upsize connectionstring like this or similar?
Info on my dbc:
c:\varu\data\varu.dbc - UPSIZE.Connection String:
Description=VaruSQL;DRIVER=SQL Server Native Client 10.0;SERVER=CT123\SQLEXPRESS;UID=testuser;PWD=testpass;APP=Microsoft Visual FoxPro;WSID=SRV-02;DATABASE=Varu;LANGUAGE=us_english;
I'd rather not have like this below since I already have the info in my project.
I'm using a SQL database, I have in VFP9 the tables as remote views and a (Project Manager>Data>Databases>varu>)Connection called Upsize with a connectionstring (below). It's stored in my Data\Varu.dbc file.
Is there any way to refer to my Upsize connectionstring like this or similar?
lcConnString = varu.upsize.connectionstring
Info on my dbc:
c:\varu\data\varu.dbc - UPSIZE.Connection String:
Description=VaruSQL;DRIVER=SQL Server Native Client 10.0;SERVER=CT123\SQLEXPRESS;UID=testuser;PWD=testpass;APP=Microsoft Visual FoxPro;WSID=SRV-02;DATABASE=Varu;LANGUAGE=us_english;
I'd rather not have like this below since I already have the info in my project.
lcConnString = "DRIVER=SQL Server Native Client 10.0;" ;
+ "UID=testuser;" ;
+ "PWD=testpass;" ;
+ "DATABASE=Varu;"