Hello everybody,
up to now we are using dbase IV V2.0 in a netware network.
Running in a DOS window. Nice, but every now and then index files are damaged when different workstations access the same file. Somebody said thats because of too old dbase and too fast computers of today... he said dbase V would solve the problem.
Well, I bought a dbase V.
Installation was not a prob, however even after the first steps it does not run stable!
Especially the debugger crashes immediatly after being invoked, with the standard Windows error box: "this application is closed.... contact the maker".
The main dBase program seemed to work first, but crashed after some playing around as well.
I checked this forum but could not find any hints.
Anybody here to help me?
BTW my dbase 5 is 'dBase for Windows 5.0", *NOT* 'visual dbase' (I dont know the difference however).
up to now we are using dbase IV V2.0 in a netware network.
Running in a DOS window. Nice, but every now and then index files are damaged when different workstations access the same file. Somebody said thats because of too old dbase and too fast computers of today... he said dbase V would solve the problem.
Well, I bought a dbase V.
Installation was not a prob, however even after the first steps it does not run stable!
Especially the debugger crashes immediatly after being invoked, with the standard Windows error box: "this application is closed.... contact the maker".
The main dBase program seemed to work first, but crashed after some playing around as well.
I checked this forum but could not find any hints.
Anybody here to help me?
BTW my dbase 5 is 'dBase for Windows 5.0", *NOT* 'visual dbase' (I dont know the difference however).