since many years I use a complex dbase 5 (DOS)application under Windows 98 without any problems. Getting a new hardware with the operating system WINDOWS XP a serious problem begins to bother me: all seems to run normally but after hitting the ENTER-Key round about ten times the application becomes 'deep frozen', open EDIT-fields can't be filled, hitting keys will not have any effects ... Only Ctrl,Alt,Del helps do terminate the application (using the task-manager). Afterwards the PC does its job as good as before starting the DBASE 5 program.
If have tried to use the compatibility feature under XP for all executable DBASE components, but it doesn't help.
If anybody can help me, it would be wonderful !!
If have tried to use the compatibility feature under XP for all executable DBASE components, but it doesn't help.
If anybody can help me, it would be wonderful !!