Hi I have acouple of questions I need a DBA to provide an answer for, I'm not sure if this is bread and butter stuff or a little off the line....
The Environment here is 8.1.6.
If you amend the PCTFREE and / or PCTUSED for a table with lots of data in it what happens?
If you have a Table that is Occuping 2 extents and you amend the NEXT and PCTINCREASE for the table what happens? are you even allowed to do this?
Thanks in advance,
The Environment here is 8.1.6.
If you amend the PCTFREE and / or PCTUSED for a table with lots of data in it what happens?
If you have a Table that is Occuping 2 extents and you amend the NEXT and PCTINCREASE for the table what happens? are you even allowed to do this?
Thanks in advance,