Our DBA has just left, so we are very short of expertise at the moment.
We run DB2 v8 on AIX.
Each evening, we copy the logfiles to the disaster recovery machine (about 100 logs) and 'roll forward to end of logs'. This seems to work OK.
At period end, we copy the logs as usual, but 'roll forward to a local time'.
This gives an error message, implying that you cannot mix the two types of roll-forward.
This does not seem logical, so I am wondering where to look for the solution required.
Any help would be useful
Our DBA has just left, so we are very short of expertise at the moment.
We run DB2 v8 on AIX.
Each evening, we copy the logfiles to the disaster recovery machine (about 100 logs) and 'roll forward to end of logs'. This seems to work OK.
At period end, we copy the logs as usual, but 'roll forward to a local time'.
This gives an error message, implying that you cannot mix the two types of roll-forward.
This does not seem logical, so I am wondering where to look for the solution required.
Any help would be useful