With other ODBC drivers like SQL Server, I can use VB ADO and form a connection string e.g.
Driver={SQL Server};Server=BACH;Database=CoreSQL;uid=sa;password=XXXX
With the DB2 driver, what are the equivalent keywords?
Driver={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};IpAddress=BACH;LogonID=db2admin;Password=XXXX
I've looked at the help file that comes with the driver, but it implies that a DSN must be named. Is that correct?
Is there a better equivalent for the SQL Server "Server=" keyword? What's the equivalent for "Database="?
Keith Macdonald
Driver={SQL Server};Server=BACH;Database=CoreSQL;uid=sa;password=XXXX
With the DB2 driver, what are the equivalent keywords?
Driver={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};IpAddress=BACH;LogonID=db2admin;Password=XXXX
I've looked at the help file that comes with the driver, but it implies that a DSN must be named. Is that correct?
Is there a better equivalent for the SQL Server "Server=" keyword? What's the equivalent for "Database="?
Keith Macdonald