I'm new to DB2 and I'm hoping someone can help me with a function or maybe suggest another way to accomplish the following:
We have a Perergrine Service center app with a DB2 back-end. Peregrine stores it's multiline text boxes as an array with each line of the text box as an array element. When implementing this in DB2, this array is stored in a separate table like the following and is linked to the main table using the ID:
ID RecordNumber Text
P100 1 This is line 1 of the text box
P100 2 This is line 2 of the text box
P100 3 This is line 3 of the text box
P110 1 Line 1 of another text box
P110 2 Line 2 of other text box
Reporting from this is a nightmare because you have to loop through the array table and concatenate your string back together. I can do this is something like VB or ASP, but I was wondering if a db2 function can be called to do this. And, if so, can someone give me an example of how to do this? I'm thinking this may be the way to go since I'm going to have many mulit-line text boxes. If someone has another solution, I would love to hear it!!!
We have a Perergrine Service center app with a DB2 back-end. Peregrine stores it's multiline text boxes as an array with each line of the text box as an array element. When implementing this in DB2, this array is stored in a separate table like the following and is linked to the main table using the ID:
ID RecordNumber Text
P100 1 This is line 1 of the text box
P100 2 This is line 2 of the text box
P100 3 This is line 3 of the text box
P110 1 Line 1 of another text box
P110 2 Line 2 of other text box
Reporting from this is a nightmare because you have to loop through the array table and concatenate your string back together. I can do this is something like VB or ASP, but I was wondering if a db2 function can be called to do this. And, if so, can someone give me an example of how to do this? I'm thinking this may be the way to go since I'm going to have many mulit-line text boxes. If someone has another solution, I would love to hear it!!!