Recently I had met with problem with db2 fixpacks. Fixpacks 1 - 3 and 11... Now it works with no problems. Except Scheduling Tasks...
Currently on my DB2 server, I have a das instance named as db2as and one second instance that holds our databases with name sahadmin.
However, the schedules don't work. I mean I enter a task and adjust its frequency and time, the job is successfully submitted and I can see it on the pending tasks section. But when the time passes there are nothing on the running,and job history parts.
I believe that fixpacks seemed to made negative impacts. Can anyone help me what parts are missing in our current udb 7.1 with fixpack 11? (DB2 7.1 --- > 7.2.9 )
Salih Sipahi
Software Engineer.
City of Istanbul Turkey
Currently on my DB2 server, I have a das instance named as db2as and one second instance that holds our databases with name sahadmin.
However, the schedules don't work. I mean I enter a task and adjust its frequency and time, the job is successfully submitted and I can see it on the pending tasks section. But when the time passes there are nothing on the running,and job history parts.
I believe that fixpacks seemed to made negative impacts. Can anyone help me what parts are missing in our current udb 7.1 with fixpack 11? (DB2 7.1 --- > 7.2.9 )
Salih Sipahi
Software Engineer.
City of Istanbul Turkey