How can i reslove this problem in DB2 version 8.x in windows 2000 OS
2004-06-16- InstanceB2 Node:000
PID:2664(db2syscs.exe) TID:664 Appid:*LOCAL.DB2.019006161406
buffer pool services sqlbAllocPageAndBPDMemForNewBP Probe:5
ADM6027E AWE is not being used for buffer pool "BP32K0000" (ID "2") due to an
AWE initialization failure. Ensure that AWE is configured correctly on the
operating system platform and for use with DB2.
2004-06-16- InstanceB2 Node:000
PID:2664(db2syscs.exe) TID:664 Appid:*LOCAL.DB2.019006161406
buffer pool services sqlbAllocPageAndBPDMemForNewBP Probe:5
ADM6027E AWE is not being used for buffer pool "BP32K0000" (ID "2") due to an
AWE initialization failure. Ensure that AWE is configured correctly on the
operating system platform and for use with DB2.