I'm on AIX 4.3.3 system with a 3590 autoloader.My database backup consists of several tapes. Every time I back up the database, when the a tape finishes, db2 will return an end-of-media warning to which I will load in another tape.
Other then using TSM/ADSM , can I use any native db2 commands to automate the loading and unloading of tapes when performing backups?
I'm on AIX 4.3.3 system with a 3590 autoloader.My database backup consists of several tapes. Every time I back up the database, when the a tape finishes, db2 will return an end-of-media warning to which I will load in another tape.
Other then using TSM/ADSM , can I use any native db2 commands to automate the loading and unloading of tapes when performing backups?