Looking for some help. When I enter a task that has one days duration into project. It spans two two days in MS project. That is although task is only one day duration it starts on day 1 and finishes on day 2. For tasks longer than one days duration one exra day is added to the span. That is if their is a five day task and it starts on day one it will finish on day six.
Is their a flag or setting I can change to avoid this.
Looking for some help. When I enter a task that has one days duration into project. It spans two two days in MS project. That is although task is only one day duration it starts on day 1 and finishes on day 2. For tasks longer than one days duration one exra day is added to the span. That is if their is a five day task and it starts on day one it will finish on day six.
Is their a flag or setting I can change to avoid this.