You could get an OK approximation by converting years to days using 365.25 days per year and then adding that value to some date, like today, and finally calculating the number of years, months and days.
Years Days Dates Year Month Day
33.562 12258.5 11/14/2008 2008 11 14
06/07/2042 2042 6 7
34 -5 -7
-1 -1
33 6 23
12258.9 12053.3 182.6 23
Years Days Dates Year Month Day
33.562 =A2*DaysPerYr =TODAY() =YEAR(C2) =MONTH(C2) =DAY(C2)
=C2+B2 =YEAR(C3) =MONTH(C3) =DAY(C3)
=D3-D2 =E3-E2 =F3-F2
=IF(E5<0,-1,0) =IF(F5<0,-1,0) =SUM(D56)
=SUM(D9:F9) =D7*DaysPerYr =E7*DaysPerYr/12 =F7
[/tt] all on row 7
Skip, Just traded in my old subtlety... for a NUANCE!
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