Mitel 3300 CX II Running 6.0 to AVST CX-e Voicemail.
During the day 3700 (main number) points to 4402 (random call processor AA options box) That is working fine. Night mode (Night1 or Night 2) Still plays the day greeting though routing is set up to go to a different CXe box - 4403
3700 is a System Speed Call pointing at 4402
4402 Call forward allways Day:2 (mail) Night1:4 (4403) Night2:4 (4403)
4403 Call forward allways Day:2 Night1:2 Night2:2
4403 is a Nametag Hunt Group on the 3300 as requested by Mitel which should change the digits that the CXe system is receiving, but it is not.
If I take the CFA off of 4403 (change it to 1) During Night1 I get a busy signal (I don't remember what the phone says) Which is to be expected, so, the 3300 is forwarding internally correctly, but is not changing the digits that are going to the AVST system during the night.
AVST is not directly connected to this controller, its hunt group is on the primary controller in another location, if that makes any difference. All controllers in the cluster go to main then to cxe for VM, this is the only other site other than main running this type of AA.
So, why is the CXe still receiving 4402 during night mode, and how can I correct this?
During the day 3700 (main number) points to 4402 (random call processor AA options box) That is working fine. Night mode (Night1 or Night 2) Still plays the day greeting though routing is set up to go to a different CXe box - 4403
3700 is a System Speed Call pointing at 4402
4402 Call forward allways Day:2 (mail) Night1:4 (4403) Night2:4 (4403)
4403 Call forward allways Day:2 Night1:2 Night2:2
4403 is a Nametag Hunt Group on the 3300 as requested by Mitel which should change the digits that the CXe system is receiving, but it is not.
If I take the CFA off of 4403 (change it to 1) During Night1 I get a busy signal (I don't remember what the phone says) Which is to be expected, so, the 3300 is forwarding internally correctly, but is not changing the digits that are going to the AVST system during the night.
AVST is not directly connected to this controller, its hunt group is on the primary controller in another location, if that makes any difference. All controllers in the cluster go to main then to cxe for VM, this is the only other site other than main running this type of AA.
So, why is the CXe still receiving 4402 during night mode, and how can I correct this?