Crystal 9.0
I would appreicate anyones help in resolving an issue with the following.
I created Stored Procedure with various dates tables in SQL so when Crystal reports are generated I don't have to use parameters.
There are various reports comapring Current Year Period to Last Year Period, Week to Period (e.g. 12/27/2004 - 01/23/2005 compare to 12/29/2003 - 02/01/2004), etc.
The following code is in my 'Report Filter':
{mc_acct_master_view.bus_unit_id} = "MMB" AND
{mc_acct_master_view.pub_id} = "MMB" AND
{mc_ad_insertion.insertion_date}= {paramdates.firstdayyear} TO {paramdates.periodenddate} OR
{mc_period_dates.period_year} = {paramdates.periodyear} AND
{mc_period_dates.period} <= {paramdates.period} AND
//{mc_ad_insertion.insertion_date}= {paramdates.lyfirstdayyear} TO {paramdates.lyperiodenddate} AND
NOT ({mc_ad_cost_view.obj_code} IN ["59", "29", "19", "905", "915"]) AND
{mc_ad_detail.adv_type} = "GE" AND
NOT ({mc_ad_insertion.prod_code} IN ["ELDY"])
If I run the following code without LY paramdates it gives me correct data and processess quickly:
{mc_acct_master_view.bus_unit_id} = "MMB" AND
{mc_acct_master_view.pub_id} = "MMB" AND
{mc_ad_insertion.insertion_date}= {paramdates.firstdayyear}
TO {paramdates.periodenddate}
NOT ({mc_ad_cost_view.obj_code} IN ["59", "29", "19", "905", "915"]) AND
{mc_ad_detail.adv_type} = "GE" and
NOT ({mc_ad_insertion.prod_code} in ["ELDY"])
But, if I add the LY paramdates to the filter, it never finishes processing.
Thanks in advance for your help.
I would appreicate anyones help in resolving an issue with the following.
I created Stored Procedure with various dates tables in SQL so when Crystal reports are generated I don't have to use parameters.
There are various reports comapring Current Year Period to Last Year Period, Week to Period (e.g. 12/27/2004 - 01/23/2005 compare to 12/29/2003 - 02/01/2004), etc.
The following code is in my 'Report Filter':
{mc_acct_master_view.bus_unit_id} = "MMB" AND
{mc_acct_master_view.pub_id} = "MMB" AND
{mc_ad_insertion.insertion_date}= {paramdates.firstdayyear} TO {paramdates.periodenddate} OR
{mc_period_dates.period_year} = {paramdates.periodyear} AND
{mc_period_dates.period} <= {paramdates.period} AND
//{mc_ad_insertion.insertion_date}= {paramdates.lyfirstdayyear} TO {paramdates.lyperiodenddate} AND
NOT ({mc_ad_cost_view.obj_code} IN ["59", "29", "19", "905", "915"]) AND
{mc_ad_detail.adv_type} = "GE" AND
NOT ({mc_ad_insertion.prod_code} IN ["ELDY"])
If I run the following code without LY paramdates it gives me correct data and processess quickly:
{mc_acct_master_view.bus_unit_id} = "MMB" AND
{mc_acct_master_view.pub_id} = "MMB" AND
{mc_ad_insertion.insertion_date}= {paramdates.firstdayyear}
TO {paramdates.periodenddate}
NOT ({mc_ad_cost_view.obj_code} IN ["59", "29", "19", "905", "915"]) AND
{mc_ad_detail.adv_type} = "GE" and
NOT ({mc_ad_insertion.prod_code} in ["ELDY"])
But, if I add the LY paramdates to the filter, it never finishes processing.
Thanks in advance for your help.