I'm trying to pull all records that include an anniversary date 6 months from the current month. For example it is now July so I want to list all records with an anniversary any day in the month in December of 2013. I tried the following code but does not consider the year. It returns records whose anniversary is December of 2022. How can I take into consideration the year so I and get those records with an anniversary date 6 months from current month regardless of what month I star at? Thanks.
rs.Open "SELECT * FROM Owners INNER JOIN Renewal ON Owners.Owner = Renewal.Comp " _
& "WHERE Owners.FOorSA = 'FO' And " _
& "DatePart(""m"", Renewal.RenewalDte) = DatePart(""m"", NOW) + 2", Conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
rs.Open "SELECT * FROM Owners INNER JOIN Renewal ON Owners.Owner = Renewal.Comp " _
& "WHERE Owners.FOorSA = 'FO' And " _
& "DatePart(""m"", Renewal.RenewalDte) = DatePart(""m"", NOW) + 2", Conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic