I have a report that needs to count the number of working days between two dates, in crystal I use the following formula to count just working days:
=DateDiff ("ww", Fields!DateStart.Value, Fields DateEntered.Value, crMonday) +
DateDiff ("ww", Fields!DateStart.Value, Fields!DateEntered.Value, crTuesday) +
DateDiff ("ww", Fields!DateStart.Value, Fields!DateEntered.Value, crWednesday) +
DateDiff ("ww", Fields!DateStart.Value, Fields!DateEntered.Value, crThursday) +
DateDiff ("ww", Fields!DateStart.Value, Fields!DateEntered.Value, crFriday)
I have changed the field references to fit with SSRS and added the = but I think there must be something else I need to change (from Crystal format) for it to work.
When I go to run the report it tells me crMonday is not declared.
Can someone tell me how to do this in SSRS please?
Thanks in advance
=DateDiff ("ww", Fields!DateStart.Value, Fields DateEntered.Value, crMonday) +
DateDiff ("ww", Fields!DateStart.Value, Fields!DateEntered.Value, crTuesday) +
DateDiff ("ww", Fields!DateStart.Value, Fields!DateEntered.Value, crWednesday) +
DateDiff ("ww", Fields!DateStart.Value, Fields!DateEntered.Value, crThursday) +
DateDiff ("ww", Fields!DateStart.Value, Fields!DateEntered.Value, crFriday)
I have changed the field references to fit with SSRS and added the = but I think there must be something else I need to change (from Crystal format) for it to work.
When I go to run the report it tells me crMonday is not declared.
Can someone tell me how to do this in SSRS please?
Thanks in advance