In my application I have these 2 functions (yes they were posted in a previous post)
When the ConvertGMT function is called it works great, unless the offset is a floating point number (ie; 9.5), then it adds the 9 but not the .5. Anyone got any ideas?
Senior Qik III, ASP.Net, VB.Net ,SQL Programmer
Public Function GetGMTOffset(ByVal sAirport As String) As Double
Dim dOffset As Double
sSQL = "EXECUTE ama_GetGMTOffset @airport"
cmdCommand = New SqlCommand(sSQL, cnConnection)
cmdCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@airport", sAirport)
dOffset = cmdCommand.ExecuteScalar
Return dOffset
Catch exSQL As SqlException
MsgBox(SQL_EXCEPTION, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Database Error")
Catch exSQLTimeout As TimeoutException
MsgBox(SQL_TIMEOUT, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Timeout Error")
Catch exApp As ApplicationException
MsgBox(APP_EXCEPTION, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Application Error")
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(GENERAL_EXCEPTION & ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "General Error")
End Try
End Function
Public Function ConvertGMT(ByVal dLocalDate As DateTime, ByVal sAirport As String) As DateTime
_dGMTTime = DateAdd(DateInterval.Hour, CType(GetGMTOffset(sAirport), Double), dLocalDate)
Return _dGMTTime
End Function
When the ConvertGMT function is called it works great, unless the offset is a floating point number (ie; 9.5), then it adds the 9 but not the .5. Anyone got any ideas?
Senior Qik III, ASP.Net, VB.Net ,SQL Programmer
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