I have a script that uses DateAdd several times.
i have single location of the function that fail with error: Invalid procedure call or argument: 'DateAdd'.
my complete code:
the error is at SDate = DateAdd("d",1,SDate)
any help appreciated.
I have a script that uses DateAdd several times.
i have single location of the function that fail with error: Invalid procedure call or argument: 'DateAdd'.
my complete code:
'On Error Resume Next
Const wbemFlagReturnImmediately = &h10
Const wbemFlagForwardOnly = &h20
strComputer = "."
Computer = "%COMPNAME%"
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2")
Set Win32LT = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_LocalTime", "WQL", _
wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly)
Dim LMonth, Day, Year, Hour, Minute, Second
For Each objItem In Win32LT
LMonth = objItem.Month
Day = objItem.Day
Year = objItem.Year
Hour = objItem.Hour
Minute = objItem.Minute
Second = objItem.Second
Set objWMIService1 = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2")
Set TimeZone = objWMIService1.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_TimeZone", "WQL", _
wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly)
Dim DaylightDay, StandardDayOfWeek, DaylightMonth, StandardMonth, StandardDay, DayTime, STNDTime, DSTHour, STNDHour, DaylightDayOfWeek, CurrentYear
CurrentYear = "2016"
For Each objItem In TimeZone
DayTime = objItem.DaylightName
STNDTime = objItem.StandardName
DSTHour = objItem.DaylightHour
STNDHour = objItem.StandardHour
DaylightDay = objItem.DaylightDay
StandardDayOfWeek = objItem.StandardDayOfWeek
DaylightMonth = objItem.DaylightMonth
StandardMonth = objItem.StandardMonth
StandardDay = objItem.StandardDay
DaylightDayOfWeek = objItem.DaylightDayOfWeek
select case DaylightDay
case 1
DSTDay = "First"
case 2
DSTDay = "Second"
case 3
DSTDay = "Third"
case 4
DSTDay = "Fourth"
case 5
DSTDay = "Last"
end select
select case DaylightDayOfWeek
case 0
DSTDoW = "Sunday"
case 1
DSTDoW = "Monday"
case 2
DSTDoW = "Tuesday"
case 3
DSTDoW = "Wednesday"
case 4
DSTDoW = "Thursday"
case 5
DSTDoW = "Friday"
case 6
DSTDoW = "Saturday"
end select
select case StandardDayOfWeek
case 0
STNDWeek = "Sunday"
case 1
STNDWeek = "Monday"
case 2
STNDWeek = "Tuesday"
case 3
STNDWeek = "Wednesday"
case 4
STNDWeek = "Thursday"
case 5
STNDWeek = "Friday"
case 6
STNDWeek = "Saturday"
end select
select case DaylightMonth
case 1
DSTMonth = "January"
case 2
DSTMonth = "February"
case 3
DSTMonth = "March"
case 4
DSTMonth = "April"
case 5
DSTMonth = "May"
case 6
DSTMonth = "June"
case 7
DSTMonth = "July"
case 8
DSTMonth = "August"
case 9
DSTMonth = "September"
case 10
DSTMonth = "October"
case 11
DSTMonth = "November"
case 12
DSTMonth = "December"
end select
select case StandardMonth
case 1
STNDMonth = "January"
case 2
STNDMonth = "February"
case 3
STNDMonth = "March"
case 4
STNDMonth = "April"
case 5
STNDMonth = "May"
case 6
STNDMonth = "June"
case 7
STNDMonth = "July"
case 8
STNDMonth = "August"
case 9
STNDMonth = "September"
case 10
STNDMonth = "October"
case 11
STNDMonth = "November"
case 12
STNDMonth = "December"
end select
select case StandardDay
case 1
STNDDay = "First"
case 2
STNDDay = "Second"
case 3
STNDDay = "Third"
case 4
STNDDay = "Fourth"
case 5
STNDDay = "Last"
end select
Dim DDate , SDate , DFinalDate , SFinalDate
DDate = DateSerial(CurrentYear, DaylightMonth, "01")
SDate = DateSerial(CurrentYear, StandardMonth, "01")
DDate = DateAdd("h", 2, DDate)
SDate = DateAdd("h", 2, SDate)
i = 0
do While i < DaylightDay
If Weekday(DDate) = DaylightDayOfWeek then
i = i + 1
If i = DaylightDay then
DFinalDate = DDate
DDate = DateAdd("d",1,DDate)
end if
DDate = DateAdd("d",1,DDate)
end if
If Month(DFinalDate) <> DaylightMonth then
DFinalDate = DateAdd("d",-7,DFinalDate)
End If
i = 0
Do While i < StandardDay
If Weekday(SDate) = StandardDayOfWeek then
i = i + 1
If i = StandardDay then
SFinalDate = SDate
SDate = DateAdd("d",1,SDate)
end if
SDate = DateAdd("d",1,SDate)
end if
If Month(SFinalDate) <> StandardMonth then
SFinalDate = DateAdd("d",-7,SFinalDate)
end if
wscript.echo Computer
wscript.echo FormatDateTime(Date)
wscript.echo FormatDateTime(DFinalDate)
wscript.echo DayTime
wscript.echo DSTDay
wscript.echo DSTDoW
wscript.echo DSTMonth
wscript.echo FormatDateTime(SFinalDate)
wscript.echo STNDTime
wscript.echo STNDDay
wscript.echo STNDWeek
wscript.echo STNDMonth
any help appreciated.