SELECT [Date],[No],(dateAdd(m,-1,[Date])) as lastmonth,sales=(select count(*) from WebmasterSales where subid in (select subid from webmastersubsites wsu inner join webmastersites wsi on wsu.siteid = wsi.siteid where webmastername=@WebmasterName and and createDateTime >= dateAdd(m,-1,#RebillInfo.[Date]) and createDateTime < dateAdd(m,-1,dateAdd(d,1,#RebillInfo.[Date])))
FROM #RebillInfo
lets say #RebillInfo contains dates from 5/15/2002 to 5/31/2002
the problem is that may has 31 days and april only has 30, so when [Date] = '5/30/2002', sales returns a wrong value
because dateAdd(m,-1,dateAdd(d,1,#RebillInfo.[Date])) returns '4/30/2002'
You didn't tell me what you want to have instead (Date - 1 month). Do you want the first day of the month? If so, substitute the expression I provided for the expression that is incorrect. If you don't want the FOM then explain what it is that you do want.
Do you also want a different value for LastMonth?
SELECT [Date],
[No], (dateAdd(m,-1,[Date])) as LastMonth,
(select count(*)
from WebmasterSales
where subid in
(select subid
from webmastersubsites wsu
inner join webmastersites wsi
on wsu.siteid = wsi.siteid
where webmastername=@WebmasterName
and createDateTime >= dateadd(d, 1-DAY([Date]), [Date])
and createDateTime < dateAdd(m,-1,dateAdd(d,1,#RebillInfo.[Date])))
FROM #RebillInfo Terry L. Broadbent - DBA
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this subquery adds another 2 columns, with the date a month before and the number of sales
SELECT [Date],[No],(dateAdd(m,-1,[Date])) as lastmonth,sales=(select count(*) from WebmasterSales where subid in (select subid from webmastersubsites wsu inner join webmastersites wsi on wsu.siteid = wsi.siteid where webmastername=@WebmasterName and and createDateTime >= dateAdd(m,-1,#RebillInfo.[Date]) and createDateTime < dateAdd(m,-1,dateAdd(d,1,#RebillInfo.[Date])))
FROM #RebillInfo
however, when #RebillInfo.[Date] contains '5/30/2002' , dateAdd(m,-1,dateAdd(d,1,#RebillInfo.[Date])) returns '4/30/2002'
what i want it to return is '5/1/2002' as i want to search between 4/30/2002 & 5/1/2002
the problem is caused i guess by the fact that may has 31 days and april only has 30
I don't know how to help if you won't use the suggestions I've already made. I understand the problem and have proposed a solution. Have you tried my solution? Terry L. Broadbent - DBA
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This is pretty basic, but your SQL, "select dateAdd(m,-1,'5/31/2002')", uses "m" for the function, meaning you want the operation performed on Months, not days. Since April contains only 30 days, one month was decremented by the function as it should be. KIS!
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