I have to increment a date (cli_fact_start in date format) adding all the time 1 month....
OK I do that with
UPDATE TClient SET cli_fact_start = TIMESTAMPADD(MONTH, 1, cli_fact_start)
When the date is 2004-01-31 it gives
Super... exactly what I wanted... However the next one it gives
2004-03-29 instead of 2004-03-31
Does anybody have an Idea how I can get all the time the end of the month.
Thank you very much
Hans, Montréal
I have to increment a date (cli_fact_start in date format) adding all the time 1 month....
OK I do that with
UPDATE TClient SET cli_fact_start = TIMESTAMPADD(MONTH, 1, cli_fact_start)
When the date is 2004-01-31 it gives
Super... exactly what I wanted... However the next one it gives
2004-03-29 instead of 2004-03-31
Does anybody have an Idea how I can get all the time the end of the month.
Thank you very much
Hans, Montréal