Hi all
This is sort of a backwards request in that I have the solution but need to know why it's working. I have a report that uses these formulas to convert the date from UTC to the local user's PC time. (So I've been told). However, I don't understand exactly HOW they work. Could someone please explain how each individual formula is functioning? Again, I know what it's doing (taking a date/time and converting it) but I want to know the reasoning behind what it's doing. For example, I don't understand the significance of "" and why it's placed before and after the "TimeZoneString" formula. Thanks in advance!
1. @FromDateUTC: ShiftDateTime({?From Date}, "", {@TimeZoneString})
2. @TimeZoneString: ""
3. @StartDate: ShiftDateTime({RPT_EM_RESULTS_ROUTE_V.start_date}, {@TimeZoneString}, "")
4. @ToDateUTC: ShiftDateTime(DateAdd('s',((23*60+59)*60+59),{?To Date}), "", {@TimeZoneString})
This is sort of a backwards request in that I have the solution but need to know why it's working. I have a report that uses these formulas to convert the date from UTC to the local user's PC time. (So I've been told). However, I don't understand exactly HOW they work. Could someone please explain how each individual formula is functioning? Again, I know what it's doing (taking a date/time and converting it) but I want to know the reasoning behind what it's doing. For example, I don't understand the significance of "" and why it's placed before and after the "TimeZoneString" formula. Thanks in advance!
1. @FromDateUTC: ShiftDateTime({?From Date}, "", {@TimeZoneString})
2. @TimeZoneString: ""
3. @StartDate: ShiftDateTime({RPT_EM_RESULTS_ROUTE_V.start_date}, {@TimeZoneString}, "")
4. @ToDateUTC: ShiftDateTime(DateAdd('s',((23*60+59)*60+59),{?To Date}), "", {@TimeZoneString})