I have a helpdesk database that I wish to record multiple LogDateTime and ResolvedDateTime against a particular QueryID.
I have created an subform with Logdatetime and resolveddatetime and timespent (timespent needs to return the result of (resolveddatetime)-(Logdatetime) but needs to return that calculation to the subform table in the format of Hrs and Minutes…including whether it spans several days (IE if sum of log date and resolved date is 2days 5minutes it needs to return the answer as 48hrs 5minutes)
To get the timespent I have used the string
=Day([SubResolvedDateTime]-[SubDateTime]) & " Days " & Hour([SubResolvedDateTime]-[SubDateTime]) & " Hours " & Minute([SubResolvedDateTime]-[SubDateTime]) & " Minutes "
But I need to hold the answer to a specific queryID so that I can sum the time spent and work out total time spent on a particular query.
Must admit I am lost on this one….any clues anyone