Friends here is my selection criteria
{Command.ADDED_DT} in CDate(CSTR(Month(DateAdd("m",-13,{?Date})),0,'')&"/1/"
&CSTR(Year(DateAdd("yyyy",-1,{?Date})),0,'')) to {?Date}
I am getting only 12 months, i,c if i slect may2009, i am getting data from May2009 to june 2008 not may 2009 to may2008, Any reason? How can i achieve to get 13 months?.
THanks a ton,
{Command.ADDED_DT} in CDate(CSTR(Month(DateAdd("m",-13,{?Date})),0,'')&"/1/"
&CSTR(Year(DateAdd("yyyy",-1,{?Date})),0,'')) to {?Date}
I am getting only 12 months, i,c if i slect may2009, i am getting data from May2009 to june 2008 not may 2009 to may2008, Any reason? How can i achieve to get 13 months?.
THanks a ton,