I am having trouble putting together a date range using a table that contains information pertaining to patient appointments (past and scheduled in the future). I am trying to come up with a way to limit my results to show appointments that occurred more than twelve months ago and less than 13 months ago where there is no appointment scheduled for the next three months. For example, I run my report in December 2012 as of the end of 11/30/2012. I would like to see appointments that occurred between 11/1/2011 and 11/30/2011 where there has been no appointment from 12/1/2011 to 11/30/2012 and there is no scheduled appointment between 12/1/2012 and 2/28/2013. The goal is being able to see patients that had an appointment a year ago, never had a follow-up over the following year and have not scheduled a follow-up in the near future. I've been trying combinations using my {Table.Appt_Date} and my {Table.Appt_Status} and can't seem to put it all together. The Appt_Date refers to the date the appointment occurred or is scheduled for. Appt_Status shows the status of the appointment (Completed/Scheduled/Cancelled etc) Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.