I need a report to show records going back 1 year or more, but also which can be run dynamically going forward.
The report date ranges are from the 20th of a month to the 19th of the following month.
Also need to show each "month range" on a separate page, in descending order.
Finally, the details for each day are grouped, and the total (count) is shown in the Report Footer.
Using CR 8.5 Standard
Access 2000 database table
I have looked through the forums but didn't find a specific solution.
I can get the report to work for 1 month, but can't figure out how to get it to work repeatedly. Here is my current info:
Parameters: None
ChkDate (the date field in Access is a string value)
Grouping: on @ChkDate, descending order, for each day
Grand total: count of ({reporting.reminder_examdate})
in RF.
Record Selection Criteria:
here is the output:
Reminder Date All Events
4/19/2005 1,312
4/18/2005 1,311
4/17/2005 5
**omitted middle values to
save space.
3/22/2005 1,782
3/21/2005 1,723
3/20/2005 3
Grand 33,985
Note: When complete, this report will run on a MY SQL database but I'm testing at home w/ Access.
Thanks in advance,
The report date ranges are from the 20th of a month to the 19th of the following month.
Also need to show each "month range" on a separate page, in descending order.
Finally, the details for each day are grouped, and the total (count) is shown in the Report Footer.
Using CR 8.5 Standard
Access 2000 database table
I have looked through the forums but didn't find a specific solution.
I can get the report to work for 1 month, but can't figure out how to get it to work repeatedly. Here is my current info:
Parameters: None
If IsDate ({reporting.reminder_examdate}) then
CDate ({reporting.reminder_examdate})
Date (0,0,0)
Grand total: count of ({reporting.reminder_examdate})
in RF.
Record Selection Criteria:
{@CheckDate} >= Date(DateAdd("m", -3, Date(Year (CurrentDate), Month(CurrentDate), 20))) and
{@CheckDate} <= Date(DateAdd("m", -2, Date(Year(CurrentDate), Month(CurrentDate), 19)))
Reminder Date All Events
4/19/2005 1,312
4/18/2005 1,311
4/17/2005 5
**omitted middle values to
save space.
3/22/2005 1,782
3/21/2005 1,723
3/20/2005 3
Grand 33,985
Note: When complete, this report will run on a MY SQL database but I'm testing at home w/ Access.
Thanks in advance,